
A final Requirements Document

This page offers a guide to what work ESP-GRID has done on requirements for access control for grids.


For more detail and justifications of changes made to the original [wiki:RequirementsBibliography Mullen et al.] document, please see RequirementsDocFull. This contains many annotations explaining the difference between the documents.

Requirements gathering for secure access and use of a generic grid

To inform the above work, the project reviewed publications and other work concerning grid UseCases. The 'generic grid', to which this work alludes, is a production grid, with production applications and a set of users with a wide variety of skills and interests. This work attempts to avoid any limitations with current technologies and to think clearly about requirements before considering technology.



Focus Group


Use Cases


See also the draft [attachment:FocusGroup/GridUseCases0_65.pdf Grid use cases] document (PDF) produced as a stimulus for the Focus Group Meeting.

See also [attachment:AllHandsPapers2006/AllHands06TypesUsersFinal.pdf Types of grid users and the Customer-Service Provider relationship: a future picture of grid use] (PDF) - a paper for the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (2006).

Justification/Requirements for Shibboleth

See the following submitted paper (also to the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting) that ties together the type of grid use for most types of user (i.e. non-computer-technical) to the ease with which Shibboleth could provide access to grid resources.