Project notes about '''Towards Understanding Requirements for eScience: the eDiaMoND case study''' *Marina Jirotka, ‡Rob Procter, *Chris Hinds, †Catelijne Coopmans, ‡James Soutter and *Sharon Lloyd (where *Oxford University Computing Laboratory, ‡School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, †Said Business School, Oxford University). UK: Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004. * '''eHealth Use Case''' (complex collaborative domain, diverse range of professional expertise, volatile organisational issues, focussing on work practices, organisational issues... * 'Understanding of work flow, collaborative practices and everyday work of clinicians, techniques to inform design of eScience technologies, transforming the eScience vision of sharing data). * 'More lessons learned: * 'Don’t ignore previous research in areas such as Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) regarding global collaboration and virtual organisations * 'New issues in eScience: * 'Scale and expertise needed for global collaboration - CSCW, * 'Practical implications from studies of science and scientific knowledge (SSK), * 'Development models and requirements for eScience.