#pragma section-numbers off ==== High priority: ==== 1. Auto log-in to !TouchGraph applet needed. 1. Need to disable applet features (log-in, edit profile) that are reproduced in !WebLearn profile page. 1. Auto populate !MyWebLearn URL in user's profile (to facilitate right-click linking). 1. Implement facility to search for user !MyWebLearn spaces by name. 1. Comment Frockle code. 1. Documentation of Frockle functionality, installation and demo. ==== Lower priority: ==== 1. Profile fields need validation, and indication of which are required/not implemented yet. 1. Improve user interface (links to view/edit profile, display !TouchGraph). 1. Provide current Javadoc at URL? (add Frockle to !CruiseControl?) 1. Generally improve the demo war file and lower the ''barrier-to-entry'' as much as possible: * remove the link to 'Setup Servlet' on opening page. - ''[AO'C] made a 1st pass attempt on a Frockle-specific index page with logo.'' * add info about HSQLDB database on opening page. - ''[AO'C] This has not been added yet, but it just a question of editing the file `etc/dist/webapps/index.html`''. * Improve demo user data and instructions. - ''[AO'C] There are now 7 demo users matching each of the characters in Adam's logo(!)''. 1. Provide live demo on LTG test server (when available). ==== Very low priority ==== 1. Make http://frockle.oucs.ox.ac.uk look better. === Completed: === 1. Get eProfile web service working with !TouchGraph client. * may need newer version of eProfile client code which allows connecting to web service rather than static XML file. * may be browser issues (Linux) with !TouchGraph and pop-ups. (bug fixed) 1. Develop Ant build files for eProfile webservice, eProfile client and Frockle. 1. Add SVN externals to Frockle SVN to pull in !WebLearn and eProfileClient code without duplicating code. 1. Develop a !WebLearn template to display/edit a profile via eProfile web service. 1. Modify default Bod installer to create demo users. 1. Modify default Bod installer to create demo !MyWebLearn areas and make public. 1. Modify default Bod installer to include user directory tool (with ability to set/modify user email address). 1. Display !TouchGraph graph of FOAF network starting from user's home space. 1. Bug: Updating profile details displays a profile listing which is out of synch, even though profile has been updated. 1. Bundle !TouchGraph applet with !WebLearn webapp. (Build file needs to sign applet, provide index for jars in lib.) 1. Configure right-click to link to the user's !MyWebLearn area. ==== Other tasks: ==== 1. Write up suggestions for: * SVN repository re-structure. * documentation regarding deployment of web service (build system, etc). * technical overview of what web service does/how it works.