
Dear [Name],

Thank you very much for volunteering to take part in this research. The aim of this interview is for me to get a picture of how you are using IT in your work at the University of Oxford and to help me identify how you are using the IT services and tools that the university offers. This interview is part of a wider project to collect user requirements for OUCS with the aim to improve our services.

The findings from this research will be presented in such a way that no individual can be identified unless otherwise agreed and possible outcomes include publications and conference papers. All of those taking part in this research have the right to withdraw at any time and require that information given should not be used in any way.

If you have any further questions or queries please feel free to contact myself or the manager of this research project [Name] [Contact].

Best wishes,

[Researcher] [Organisation] [Email]

LTGPublicWiki: Informed_Consent_Letter (last edited 2013-05-20 11:29:50 by localhost)