
OxCLIC File Naming conventions

Unit codes used on the computing network

A list is available of three and four letter codes used to identify the university department or college to which a computer that is on the network belongs. Care has been taken to ensure that the codes are unique and to an extent, unambiguous. The list is available at:

This would mean that projects under the authority of the Department of the History of Art would begin with ARTH (or possibly DHA, as this less official code is also listed). The above page lists 284 valid department codes, representing approximately 244 distinct departments.

arch = Institute of Archaeology

arth = Department of the History of Art

clas = Faculty of Literae Humaniores (Classics)

fost = Faculty of Oriental Studies

Project code

This is an arbitrary code consisting of 2 letters. The first project would be aa, the second ab, the 27th would be ba etc. This allows for 676 projects per department code. Item number This is a 4 digit number, beginning 0001, allowing for 9,999 images to be allocated per project.

Image purpose

Each image will be stored in a number of formats to suit a number of different needs. The code used to represent each format should represent the purpose for which the image is intended, rather than attempting to define the file format (jpeg, tiff, gif, png etc.) since this latter information will be contained in the file extension.

Archival, code a

This is a version of an image that is destined to be archived rather than delivered over the internet. For slides, we decided to aim for 2400 dpi with 24 bit colour. This would result in a file approximately 5000 pixels in its largest dimension, and 25 MB in size. A file of this size should be adequate for high quality print use. The Archival version should be stored either uncompressed, or in a format that supports lossless compression.

Working, code w

Working copies are reduced in size to approximately 3000 pixels. The working copy may be presented in format that uses lossy compression.

Presentation, code p

The presentation version should be approximately 1000 pixels in its largest dimension, and suitable for projection or presentation use. It should be stored in an accessible format that may use lossy compression.

Thumbnail, code t Thumbnails should be 200 pixels across, stored in an accessible format that may use lossy compression.


For the purposes of this project all codes will be presented in lowercase, since some of the computer systems on which we will be operating would consider a file called arth_aa0001a.tif to be distinct from a file named ARTH_AA0001A.TIF or Arth_Aa0001a.tif.

This will result in files named in the following manner:

This gives a 12 character code for each image, such as