
Section One: Exploring the Site

This section asks you to work through a series of tasks to become familiar with the structure and functionality of the Oxford Digital Library Site. This will help you fill in the Questionnaire for Section 3. If you have any particular observations about the site at all as you are working through these tasks please jot them down.

Please work through the following tasks:

  1. Go to Oxford Digital Library homepage

  2. Go to the “Key 17th, 18th to 19th century geological literature” Collection.
  3. Click on the “Help” link, scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on the “Search” link, note the different search options
  5. Click on the “Subjects” link and click on one of the subject titles.
  6. Click on the “Names” link and click on one of the names.
  7. Click on the “Titles” link
  8. Browse the list to the item entitled “Natural History of Fossils”
  9. Navigate to the description of this item
  10. Return to the item “Natural History of Fossils”
  11. View thumbnails of this item
  12. Navigate to view page vi of the “Natural History of Fossils”
  13. Return to the list of titles
  14. Navigate to the Oxford Digital Library collections homepage
  15. Click on the “Preferences” link

(Participants were asked to spend roughly 20 minutes on this section)

Section Two: Searching

This section asks you complete a number of tasks using the search facilities of the Oxford Digital Library Website. Do not worry about getting the right answer – we are only interested in how you use these facilities. Please complete the following tasks.

  1. Search for all cartoons of "Napoleon le grande". How many did you find?
  2. Who was the artist of "The first exploit of Boney the second!!"?
  3. What is the title of the work printed by “E.Rider”?
  4. How many items in the collection include the allegorical figure of Death?

(Participants were asked to spend roughly 20 minutes on this section)

LTGPublicWiki: User_Testing_Task_List_for_the_ODL_Evaluation (last edited 2013-05-20 11:29:49 by localhost)