

New Design & Implementation

This page is intended to capture ideas regarding improvements to the current design and implementation.

(CT: We need to keep in mind that we have very limited time to spend on this -- probably finishing within the first week of November. The initial idea was to incorporate the SPWS work that was useful, and to look at extending it with the templating concept introduced in ../RelatedIdeas. Refactoring will be worthwhile if it means future work or maintenance will be made a lot easier, with the trade-off that it introduces more work when it comes to merging with the Bod code, especially for UHI. We need to ensure that the work is broken up into tasks that add some usefulness, to ensure that we have something other than code cleaning-up to show after a few weeks work.)





LTGPublicWiki: WebLearn/CopyUI/Design (last edited 2013-05-20 11:29:49 by localhost)