
This wiki page is provided to help members of the low-carbon ICT benefits realisation project collaborate.

This page is being used to provide an up-to-date view of what is happening, planned and has been completed.

The project is scheduled to run between June-Dec 2009.

Work tasks

Support - Robert

To do list:

Campaign - Howard

To do list

  1. (HN) (6th July) Update paper to PRAC with new costing model for Jenifer W
  2. (HN) (7th July) Record interview about project for JISC Innovation conference

  3. (All) (15th July) Decide on logo image and tag-line for the campaign
  4. (All) (15th July) Decide on logo image and tag-line for the gateway, central services and website
  5. (HN, AP, KT, RZ) (15th July) ITSS conference
  6. (HN) 15th July) Update website
  7. (HN)(1st Sep) Give management message to JISC to disseminate
  8. (HN)(1st Sep) Educause article
  9. (HN) (1st Oct) Use P. James audit spreadsheet to record the total number of each device types owned by OUCS e.g. switches, servers, telephones etc
  10. (HN and KT and AP) Move monitoring service over to NSMS
  11. (HN with Rowan and Ross) How can we distribute Windows VM e.g. get MS permission, explain how others can make the VM,
  12. (HN) Get SL permission to release project code
  13. (HN) Decide license of software considering license on other software e.g. JPCAP
  14. (HN) Do we want to do a torrent of the code?
  15. (HN) Make an Ubunto distribution because then there would be automatic OS patching
  16. (HN) Put edited version of educause article on website with good graphs and more links
  17. (HN) Make promotional video for website (along with tutorials)


Liverpool - Kang

To do list:

Monitoring - Daniel

Model - Ken

The aim of this tasks is to use the modelling4all website to create library of micro-behaviours and a guide relating to IT and the environment. The purpose of the guide is to help people better understand the the impact IT has on the environment by constructing computer models.





Project members:

Members of Liverpool and Oxford Universities are continuing to build expertise in the area of low-carbon desktop computing. This project would bring together staff from both institutions to work with SustainIT (Peter James et al) and the JISC Advisory Service.

Benefit to the programme:

The proposed project will help other organisations make use of the practical knowledge built up over the last 18 months at Liverpool and Oxford.

Through running the 'low-carbon desktop computing' campaign other projects in the programme will learn lessons about how to communicate their experiences to the wider FE and HE community.

The project team has also set itself the goal of winning a Green Gown Award in 2010: This recognition would raise awareness of the Institutional Innovation Programme.



  1. Web documents that bring together all the findings from Liverpool and Oxford regarding the technical and business considerations relating to desktop power management in managed desktop computing environments. This would include scripts for turning computers off when idle, implementation guide for installing and managing the WOL software developed at Oxford, case studies that describe how a variety of groups have implemented energy efficiency projects, including approaches that use commercial software and services.
  2. The information made available via the web will then be ‘packaged’ for other forums e.g. Wikipedia, EnergyStar, printed distribution (where necessary)

  3. Technical feasibility report regarding whether Janet(UK) can offer a free at point of use WOL service for UK FE and HE organisations, using the Oxford WOL open source software
  4. Technical feasibility report regarding whether Logica can use the WOL software developed at Oxford to offer a commercial service
  5. Materials for use by the team and ‘environmental champions’ for presenting to operations and IT managers
  6. Documentation and support to help other organisations use and construct low-carbon ICT computer models.
  7. Presence in public Web 2.0 tools to promote the low-carbon desktop computing messages
  8. Contribution to a wide range of online forums both commercial and educational e.g. using the EAUC mailing list