Welcome to the Frockle project wiki. Our intention is to have the main project web-site hosted here. Until we have that up and running, this site will probably act as a temporary location for information we intend to move to that location before too long.
Main project web-site.
Group project blog.
A running demo of our work incorporated into an instance of WebLearn.
Alexis's Frockle related bookmarks on
Source code is stored under version control using subversion here.
Other content in the Frockle wiki
/PeerReview - peer-review exercise with meeting in Bolton on 25th April 2007.
/PeerReview2 - peer-review exercise (via tele-conference on 13th June 2007).
/ToDoList - List of stuff to do!
/ProjectBackground - where the name came from, etc.
/FinalReport (also in PDF)
Initial User Requirements
- Facility to create/edit/delete user profile in VLE (in user's personal area).
- Profile should include details of research interests, and publication list.
- Default is a simple profile, advanced profile with additional fields available.
- Ability to make profile public, or keep it private?
- Locate and view public profiles of known people, by searching/browsing using person's name.
- Locate people with similar or related research interests.
- Link to others to create personal networks. (Differentiate between two-way and one-way linking.)
- Require user to accept linking set up by a 'friend'?
- Navigate personal networks, preferably visually.
- Multi-level networks (e.g separate personal and work related networks).
- Add links to resources (in VLE) to personal networks.
- Share profile details with other systems or make same profile available in other systems (e.g. PDP).
- User's XML FOAF profile should be available for FOAF discovery applications.
Possible WebLearn implementation
Profile to be displayed/edited in user's personal MyWebLearn area. /EditProfileScreenshot
- Left hand frame in frameset modified to show profile snippet (and optional photo).
- Right hand frame provides interface to:
- create/edit profile
- display complete profile
- display visual FOAF network
Clicking on a person node in the network takes you to their MyWebLearn area (displays profile snippet on left).
- People's research interests are represented as a different node type in the visual display?
- Clicking on research interest node displays users with that interest (i.e not friend network.)
- Modified version of current search facility used to provide search interface for users personal spaces.
Technical Requirements
- Code should be usable in multiple systems (e.g. Bodington and Sakai).
- Data shouldn't be in existing VLE database.
- Code should support using Postgres database.
- Increasing load on VLE server should be limited as much as possible.
- Application should be reliable, usable with different browsers with varying configurations.
Ideally fit in with existing functionality in VLE, e.g. MyWebLearn personal spaces, keyword tagging and searching.