Customising MDID look and feel
It is straightforward to change the basic header, footer and logo for MDID through the key .css documents. All changes made to these .ascx and .aspx files are instanteous (seperate from the underlying code of MDID) and no recompile of the system is necessary. Any changes made to .cs files will not be in effect until they are recompiled into the .dll.
However, when editing these pages it is crucial that none of the existing tags are changed (unless commented out, see below) because this is likely to cause unexpected erros within MDID (pages will not render correctly etc.). Valid HTML modifications are fine.
Changing the overall interface (headers etc.)
To edit the general appearance of MDID (colours of the containing header and menu for example) the header, footer and stylesheet (CSS) documents are in the wwwroot\PageTemplate directory:
PageHeader.ascx is the MDID header.
PageFooter.ascx is the MDID footer.
- stylesheet.ascx is the general stylesheet for all pages.
PageMenu.ascx is the left-hand user menu.
The graphics for the container for located in the wwwroot\images directory. To alter them, simply replace the specific image with another. However, while doing this (without editing the accompanying header file) it should be noted to make sure the replacement image has exactly the same dimensions of the previous image.
Altering individual pages
To modify the appearance of an individual page, edit the individual .aspx file found in the wwwroot directory.
- default.aspx is the logon screen.
- agreements.aspx is the user agreement page.
Page titles are located within each individual file within this directory.
Changing ASP elements
MDID will not function correctly if <asp:..> elements are altered. However, it is possible to hide or comment them out so that the function is not performed.
Placing HTML comments <nowiki><!-- --></nowiki> around the ASP element should stop the individual process while still allowing the page to work.
Customising MDID - adding WebAuth access
This section gives an overview to our solution to using WebAuth as the main means of authenticating users in our MDID setup. This is achieved by adding the WebAuth filter to the primary URL for the MDID instance, creating a "backdoor" virtual directory to access that instance on another port (for use by MDID tools, etc), making two minor code changes, and altering the configuration file.
Full details of this customisation can be found at